bronzen beeld Krachten-I-detail
‘Forces-I’, 2009, bronze/ CorTensteel
Paradise bird
‘Paradise bird’, 2014, CorTen steel/stainless steel/ steel/ plastics
'Golf en Vogel', 2014, bronsacrylaathars/ rvs/gedicht
‘Wave and Bird’, 2014, bronze Jesmonite/ stainless steel/ poem
'Kiekendief in Top, 2015, brons/messing/beton
‘Harrier in Top, 2015, bronze/ brass/ concrete
'Mi(s)s Poes, 1995, brons/ aluminium
‘Miss(ing) Cat, 1995, bronze/ aluminium
'Bosuil', 2007, brons à cire perdue, eenmalig kunstwerk
‘Wood owl’, 2007, bronze à cire perdue
'Uil en Muis, 2014, brons à cire perdue, eenmalig kunstwerk
‘Owl and Mouse, 2014, bronze à cire perdue
scullpture made of pirpur and Jesmonite acrylic stoneresin
‘The Family’, 2013, Jesmonite on pirfoam.
Ceremoniële Schaal, 1993, brons
Ceremonial Scale, 1993, bronze