to sculpt bronzes: commission for sculptural art

Fransvanderven werkt aan bronzen beelden


Commission for sculptural art by Frans van der Ven

Interacting with the story you gave me, I will create an imagination of a thought, a feelling, a theme or an identity

To be able to do so, I always ask you during the intake: For what purpose did you mean this peace of sculptural art? What would you like to have communicated by it? To whom it is intended to? What presence should it express? It is not only in my bronzes that I strive for perfection. However bronze is my favourite material, I used many other techniques and meterials to create sculptural art.

Procedure commission for sculptural art

I work interactive with the client. I study on given informations at the intake. After a while I will present my first ideas on paper or in 3D . The one that fits most will be turned into final design. Combinations of different ideas do occur.

First phase of concept will be non committal.

Bronze sculptural art by Frans:

stylish and an addition to your interior, office or garden. Above that the art of Frans can be used as relational gift, trophy, monument, portrait or commemorative medal.

Bronze, silver, stainless steel, CorTen steel, plastics, glass, ceramics, stone, wood, paper: all these materials were used by Frans to create his sculptural art.

The subjects of my sculptures are very diverse. You as client play an important role in this, but generally they concern people, animals, nature, dancing, philosophy, literature, poetry, friendship, serenity.

Een groot deel van mijn loopbaan heb ik mij gewijd aan het maken van bronzen beelden van dierportretten. Via deze route kon ik het contact hervinden met het leven.

Sinds begin 2011 houd ik mij opnieuw bezig met het portretteren van de mens, nu zonder de barrières die mij vroeger hinderden. Het contact met het leven dat ik dankzij de dieren, en sinds een paar jaar mijn kleinkinderen, heb hervonden neemt alle twijfels weg die ik misschien weleens had of ik nog bronzen beelden zou moeten blijven maken.


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